The Department of Water Supply is urging all residents and businesses in Kula, Ulupalakua, and Kanaio to use water for health and safety purposes only while the Department restores water to safe levels in the storage tanks. Consumption for the Upcountry water system has averaged 8.6 million gallons per day (MGD) for the past two weeks and over 9 MGD for the past two years. The Department is working to keep up with demand; however, the Waiohuli and Kamaole Tanks are at critically low levels at this time. If consumption does not drop, the area may run out of water. It is especially critical for Ulupalakua and Kanaio customers to cut back water usage to prevent another extended water outage.
The Department has placed portable water tankers at the Waiohuli Tank and at Ulupalakua Store for customers to fill up their own containers with potable water. DWS personnel are also out in the system checking for leaks and to ensure all valves are open and working properly.