The fertile Ho’olawa Valley roughly translates as “to provide, to share in abundance, to equip or make available so everyone has enough.” After visiting, you’ll quickly see it’s a fitting name. The Ho’olawa Stream feeds incredible waterfalls and lush natural landscape. The land is home to plants used by Hawaiians for their medicines and fibers for rich cultural practices. In keeping with the the meaning of Ho’olawa, the 4 families that own and operate Wailele Farm work hard to maintain the land and keep hiking paths open to the public.
39 acres of land, from Hana Highway all the way up deep into the forest, is the site of an extensive effort to keep the land pure by removing invasive plants and replacing them with indigenous and endemic plants. They also maintain the paths, porta potties, test the stream for cleanliness and run the farm stand. This is no easy feat due to the over 300,000 visitors that come to Twin Falls each year.
We highly suggest supporting the farm stand and give appreciation for their restoration efforts and community support. Call Ute about setting up a farm tour at 808 463-1274 or visit Twin Falls Farm Tours.